Hello ladies, so in the most recent Birchbox many received this product along with the moisturizer. This is just my own view on the product and experience. I have never had a chemical peel done before because my skin is rather sensitive, but I figured that if Birchbox was giving them away, they must be easy and good products. Well...I hated it. I followed the directions to the T, and carefully put on this product. I left it on for about five minutes when during that time I felt like my skin was burning. The instructions said to leave it on for 10 minutes total but by the 6 minute mark I could not take it anymore. I prompty washed my face according to instructions, and the areas that had the peel on it were cooked lobster red, very tender and very much in pain. I put cold cloths on, and put on moisturizers so I could try to stop some damage. It took about 4 hours for the redness to full go away and two days for my skin to stop being tender. During that time I did not use face products, toners, powders, foundations. After the two days, my skin felt tight and frankly gross to the touch. I used my St. Ive's Apricot Scrub and only then did my skin feel back to its normal self.
I would not recommend this product because after getting much advice and risking my own skin, I can see how it can all go wrong. The moisturizer given with the peel was so gross and greasy that I felt like I was rubbing lard on my face. After this product my skin was not radiant or smoother. I have better results with my own face scrubs from Clean and Clear or St. Ives. Ladies, do not risk your face. This is one treatment I would leave to the pros.
Overall Opinion: THUMBS DOWN. Throwing out my sample tube.
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